Some graphics made for social media use for KoreConX.
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[portfolio_slideshow] The new design for KoreConX. Being released in early 2017.
[portfolio_slideshow] Front page design and infographic for crundfunding portal.
[portfolio_slideshow] Half fold and Roll Fold menus. Designed the logo as well.
Brochure design.
[portfolio_slideshow] Package design for the Kidori stylus designed for kids.
A wallpaper I made for my site, The Forgotten Lair.
This was for a wallpaper competition based on the theme of Where’s Waldo? I wanted to go for an 8-bit plus sprite feel, added with a touch of pop art, with an overall game feel.
This was a wallpaper I made for my free graphic site, The Forgotten Lair. The image was completely vectored in Illustrator but the background was assembled in Photoshop. A mix of pop, grunge, and calming colors.
Created at VisualMax LLC, this was the mock-up for the flyer accompanying a Doritos bag and Blink-182 t-shirt in the winner’s package for an online Blink-182 and Big Boi concert presented by Doritos.